Tuesday, September 30, 2008

No Bailout Yet

Yesterday the House of Representatives defeated the proposed bailout plan for Wall Street. Even though both political parties are pointing fingers at each other, there weren’t enough votes on either side of the aisle.

I hope no one is fooled by this defeated bill. Members of Congress defeated this bill because this is an election year. They want to APPEAR like they are listening to us. We were lied to about the war in Iraq and Congress doesn’t wan tot make that mistake again. However, where have these politicians been all these years? And where were they when signs of a financial crisis started rearing its ugly head? None of these Democrats or Republicans was listening to us before and we are to believe they are listening to us now? They are just playing politics as usual. I hope it won’t be at our expense since we are the “main streeters” that these politicians say they want to protect.

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