Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Don’t believe the ads-High Fructose Corn Syrup is Not Good for You

Ok. Have you seen the new ads about high fructose corn syrup? Basically they say that in moderation high fructose corn syrup is ok and no more harmful than sugar. It seems that the Corn Refiners Association has started an advertising blitz to change the image of high fructose corn syrup which they believe has gotten a bad rap. According to them, high fructose corn syrup is no more fattening than sugar.

Here’s the real deal. High fructose corn syrup is used in a lot of products from beverages to bread and manufacturers like it because it’s cheaper than sugar. Telling me that this product is no more fattening than sugar does not change the fact that it is fattening and aiding in the obesity of our citizens. And it’s especially bad for diabetics or those groups extremely susceptible to becoming diabetic.

I don’t see the sugar makers trying to change their image. Our citizens are fatter than ever before and it’s because of what we eat. Food manufacturers are counting on us to continue to stay fat because it helps their bottom line. Well, I’m not interested in their bottom line so in response to their ads I think I’ll stick with water.

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