Thursday, April 23, 2009

here's a magazine you should check out

I am always on the look out for natural health news and information. While at the grocery store, I checked out the magazine rack and came across Natural Health. I was impressed by what I found inside. Here's just a few of the articles in the May issue:
Allergy-proof your skin
3 Ways to cheer up
The 2009 Nathural Health Green Choice Awards

I really enjoyed reading the green choice awards to find out the top ten greenest corporations. You might be surprised to find out that an American car company made the list. Go to to check out the web site or pick up a copy of Natural Health at your local newstand.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Are you taking advantage of tax incentives for being "green"

Green is the new buzz word but I think it's here to stay. Federal, state, and local governments are making it more affordable for people to be more energy efficient. What's happening in your state? Below are a few web sites to check out about tax incentives for energy:

You should also contact or check the web site of the utility companies that serve you to find out if they have any incentives.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

You don't have to die of cervical cancer

Here's a story about cervical cancer in light of the recent death of reality tv star Jane Goody who died from the disease. Every women needs to get an annual pap smear. If your tests come back abnormal, do a follow-up as soon as possible. The sooner the diesase is caught the better your survival rate. Jane Goody didn't do a follow-up because she was too scared. She let her fear allow a disease to take her life.