Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Colin Powell Supports Barack Obama

Say it ain’t so Colin! I know that’s what those in the McCain camp were saying when they learned that on Meet the Press on Sunday, Colin Powell told Tom Brokaw and millions of viewers that he supports Barack Obama. His reasons? He doesn’t feel Senator McCain has a firm grasp on the realities of our economic crisis and he feels Senator McCain showed a lack of judgment by choosing Governor Palin as his running mate. In his view Governor Palin is not ready to lead the country. He believes that Senator Obama is a transformational figure and that is who we need as the next President of the United States of America. I agree.

In other news…
Senator Obama will leave the campaign trail Thursday and Friday of this week to visit his ailing grandmother in Hawaii. My thoughts and prayers are with his family. But don’t worry Senator Biden and Michele Obama will continue to campaign while he visits his grandmother.

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