Thursday, July 24, 2008

Don’t let procrastination hurt your future success

Procrastination keeps us from moving forward in our lives. Procrastination can make the difference in your level of success; personally and professionally. Below are some tips offered by Denis Waitley, respected speaker and productivity consultant, to help you avoid or change your tendency towards procrastination.

Identify what you’ve been putting off. On a blank sheet of paper take five minutes and write down any important activities you are delaying or have put on hold.

Look at you list of activities and do one of them right now. By directing the energy you’ve been using for excuses towards activity you’ll find that action eliminates anxiety.

Set a designated time in the day to work on your list. You’ll be amazed at how much you can get accomplished when you spend a specific amount of focused time on a goal or task.

Focus on quality of effort and not on perfection. There will never be a right time, setting, situation, or opportunity. Get started and realize that midcourse corrections are allowed. The key is to get started.

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