Thursday, February 12, 2009

How will the new plan for TARP 2 affect us?

On Tuesday Secretary Geithner laid out the plans for how the oversight will work for the second half of the TARP money. Instead of putting in rules on executive compensation or asking that money be used to do mortgage modification these will now be requirements for receiving the money. The problem is that I haven’t seen what happens to these institutions if they don’t comply with the requirements laid out for them. How can oversight be effective if there are no consequences? I hope Americans keep track of what happens to this money. Go to the web site of the US treasury,, to find the web site that will make the spending of TARP 2 funds transparent.

If this money is spent wisely and the banks do what they are supposed to do, more businesses will be able to make payroll and if not hire more people at least keep the people they currently employ. Also, homeowners may get the much needed help they need in revising their mortgages so they stop being upside down on their mortgages. We’ll see if the banks are really committed to saving the US economy or just saving their golden parachutes.

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