Friday, August 22, 2008

Thank goodness Football is back!

That’s right I said it. I’m a woman who loves the NFL. To be more specific I am woman who grew up in Redskins territory but loves the Pittsburgh Steelers. Yes, everybody get your terrible towels out! I am so excited. The Olympics was anticlimactic for me. My favorite sports to watch are swimming, diving, and track and field. We did ok but our track and field athletes did not live up to the dominance we are capable of in the sport. So I turn my attention to football.

I’m not even asking for much from my Steelers this year. I’m not hoping for a SuperBowl ring but ya’ll better be in the playoffs fighting for the chance. For beginners or those that want to at least know what they are looking at when they watch a game go to and read the rulebook. Knowing the basics will make the game more enjoyable. And if you can, do some tailgating. Football is supposed to be fun so enjoy. The official season starts September 4 as the Washington redskins take on last year’s SuperBowl champions, the New York Giants. Are you ready for some football!!!

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