Friday, July 25, 2008

Don’t live in the dark

Over the years Americans have adopted an escapist attitude. We want to be entertained and take a break from whatever our reality may be, if only for a little while. Even after 9/11 happened, we are less informed about what our future may hold. Other countries around the world know more than we do because so goes America, so goes the world. We have such reactionary culture. We wait until things happen to make a change instead of being progressive and avoiding things we can control.

We can control our health. We can control our level of success and wealth. We can control how much living we get in before we die. But we choose to walk around powerless, allowing life to happen to us. Now we are facing a recession. Instead of complaining or waiting for our government to give us relief, we should decide what we are going to do to improve our lives and the lives of others. The more proactive we are, the more change can happen. So be proactive and change your life.

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