Thursday, July 31, 2008

If you work at home big brother may be watching

Many employers are using software to check up on their employees and contractors who work from home. While those of us that work at home enjoy the time and freedom we get from not having to commute some employers are still control freaks. Some employers are happy to let you work from home but they still want to control how you spend that time.

If you are a telecommuter, then ask the human resources department of your company about if they monitor their telecommuters and how thy do it. If you are a contractor or freelancer working through an agency or sites like Odesk or Elance, ask or check the web site to see what type of monitoring is employed.

There is nothing wrong with employee or worker monitoring as long as employees or workers are informed and it is company policy. Otherwise, I think monitoring without someone noticing is classified as invasion of privacy.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Walking can keep you fit for life

Walking is something we do everyday and we don’t need to go to the gym and hit the weights to do it. Just an hour a day, everyday, helps those who have lost weight keep it off longer than those who exercise less. Studies have shown that walking adds years to your life and reduces your risk of chronic illness. People that are active in their 50s and 60s are less likely to die early as those that lead a sedentary lifestyle. has a great site that talks about many different aspects of walking from benefits, types of injuries, types of shoes, walking programs, what to eat, etc. Another site to check out is The Walking Site.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Before finding a second job, think about turning a hobby into a part-time business

The recession is making us all feel the pinch. We could all use some extra money. Instead of pounding the pavement for a second job, why not turn something love into a business? Since you’re already doing something you love, there’s no reason you shouldn’t make money from doing what you love. Outside of tax benefits from having your own business you may also relieve some of the stress or boredom from your full-time job because you have something to look forward to and it’s helping increase your bottom line. Helpful sites to visit for the business side are and the Small Business Administration. Then I suggest doing a Google search to see how others are making money from your hobby. Networking through business and hobby-related forums will also be helpful.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Senate passing housing relief bill but what does that mean for us?

On Saturday the Senate passed the most far-reaching bill on housing. Included in the bill is a rescue plan for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. The President says that he will sign the bill. The bill will essentially give those who qualify an opportunity to refinance their mortgage into a lower government-backed loan. To qualify, homeowners need to meet the following criteria:

Homeowners are currently living in their home and have loans issues between January 2005 and June 2007.

Homeowners must be spending at least 31% of their monthly income on their mortgage and prove that they cannot continue to pay their mortgage at the current rate. They must also prove that they are not deliberately defaulting to get a lower rate. This applies to homeowners up to date on their loan or in default.

All other debt, like home equity loans or lines of credit, must be retired on the home before being able to get a FHA-backed loan. Homeowners will not be able to get another home equity loan for five years unless it’s for necessary upkeep on their homes. At the time of getting a home equity loan, total debt on home cannot exceed 95% of total appraised value of the home.

To find lenders go to the Department of Housing and Urban Development website.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Don’t live in the dark

Over the years Americans have adopted an escapist attitude. We want to be entertained and take a break from whatever our reality may be, if only for a little while. Even after 9/11 happened, we are less informed about what our future may hold. Other countries around the world know more than we do because so goes America, so goes the world. We have such reactionary culture. We wait until things happen to make a change instead of being progressive and avoiding things we can control.

We can control our health. We can control our level of success and wealth. We can control how much living we get in before we die. But we choose to walk around powerless, allowing life to happen to us. Now we are facing a recession. Instead of complaining or waiting for our government to give us relief, we should decide what we are going to do to improve our lives and the lives of others. The more proactive we are, the more change can happen. So be proactive and change your life.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Don’t let procrastination hurt your future success

Procrastination keeps us from moving forward in our lives. Procrastination can make the difference in your level of success; personally and professionally. Below are some tips offered by Denis Waitley, respected speaker and productivity consultant, to help you avoid or change your tendency towards procrastination.

Identify what you’ve been putting off. On a blank sheet of paper take five minutes and write down any important activities you are delaying or have put on hold.

Look at you list of activities and do one of them right now. By directing the energy you’ve been using for excuses towards activity you’ll find that action eliminates anxiety.

Set a designated time in the day to work on your list. You’ll be amazed at how much you can get accomplished when you spend a specific amount of focused time on a goal or task.

Focus on quality of effort and not on perfection. There will never be a right time, setting, situation, or opportunity. Get started and realize that midcourse corrections are allowed. The key is to get started.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Stressed out and anxious – Try a salty soak

Magnesium sulfate, otherwise known as Epsom salt, is an affordable, easy to find and use product to melt away your stress. Excess adrenaline and stress reduces magnesium which our bodies require to bind serotonin, a mood-elevating chemical in our brains that gives off a feeling of relaxation. Magnesium is easily absorbed in the skin so taking a soak in an Epsom salt bath will do the trick. In addition to increasing serotonin levels, magnesium sulfate flushes toxins from the body, soothes muscles, and reduces inflammation. Use Epsom salt in the bath with essential oils like eucalyptus to aide in relaxation or use with petroleum jelly or alone to exfoliate. For more information and uses for Epsom salt visit the Epsom Salt Council web site.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Supermarket waste costing consumers

A U.N. report found that total food waste in America, including what we throw out from our homes, is about $48 billion a year. $20 billion of that is waste from supermarkets and they are passing those costs on to the consumer. As food costs rise, supermarkets are trying to find ways to cut waste and fine more environmentally friendly ways to deal with waste. Hopefully a reduction in waste costs will translate to a reduction in costs in the grocery aisles.

Two ways to offset rising grocery prices is to sell things you no longer need and to look for ways to save. When it comes to finding savings, try these tips:

Bundle your internet, cable TV and home phone services. There are companies that offer special deals or limited-time deals on bundled services. At you can comparison shop companies nationwide. If you sign-up for a limited time offer, remember to call and cancel or renegotiate before the rates jump up.

Shop around for a better rate on your car insurance. There is a calculator at the California Department of Insurance web site that will allow you to comparison shop basic annual premiums of different auto insurance companies.

Ask for a lower rate on your credit cards. Pick up the phone and call you current card companies and ask for a lower rate. If they say no, be persistent and call back in a month or so. There are is a lot fo competition out there for your business so don’t give up. If you don’t have any balances on ytoru cards, consider switching to a credit card that pays you back in reward points. You can comparison shop credit card rates at

To bring in extra cash put on your yard sale game face. You can sell things online through eBay and craigslist. Some newspapers also have free online classified ads. You can also buy print ads in newspapers and magazines. Try holding a yard sale or estate sale. Be sure to check with your city to make sure if you need a permit or not. You can also sell things to consignment shops and pawn shops. Consignment shops take a cut of the proceeds from the sale and pawn shops buy things at lower prices so they can make money on resale so you may want to sell your items yourself before asking others to sell them for you.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Hooray for T. Boone Pickens

An oil man has created a plan to reduce American dependence foreign oil. T. Boone Pickens says that drilling for more oil is not going to solve the energy crisis and he proposes a plan to that may help. You can check out his plan at According to his numbers in 1970 we imported 24% of our oil from foreign countries. Currently we import 70% of our oil from foreign countries. This is at a cost of $700 billion dollars which in ten years will be 7 trillion dollars. Mr. Pickens calls this the largest transfer of wealth in the history of mankind. He feels it’s time we look towards renewable, domestic energy sources like wind, solar and natural gas. By turning to these sources we can reduce our dependence on foreign oil by almost 40% or $300 billion.

I applaud Mr. Pickens for his vision and for taking a stand. However, let’s be clear. Mr. Pickens is a business man. He sees the financial opportunity in renewable energy and he knows that profits from oil are on the downturn. His plan is about reducing American dependence on foreign oil. If this happens to planet friendly then that’s great but that is not his objective. He has not become an environmentalist overnight. He is still guided by capitalism. It just so happens that his plan offers a solution that is planet friendly and good for our national security as well.

Friday, July 18, 2008

It’s time for the good reverend to retire

In the 2008 State of the Black Union, hosted by Tavis Smiley, a panelist made a statement urging people to be sure they knew the difference between “black leaders” and “leading Blacks”. The implication being that a black leader is given the title while a person “leading blacks” has placed the title of leader upon himself.

For many years, Reverend Jesse Jackson has been on the front lines of civil rights issues and issues facing Black Americans. He has also been seen as a moral compass for many Americans. In the past, we would have called him a leader. Since news of his extramarital affair that led to a child and now his remarks about Senator Obama, as well as his alleged use of the “N” word, the Reverend is showing signs of a leader on his way out who is trying to hold on to his past influence. His recent remarks show that he is no better than Reverend Jeremiah Wright when it comes to Black Americans lifting each other up one minute and in the next moment tearing each other down. At least the Reverend tried to make private comments, even though how private he thought he could be while still on mic is anyone’s guess.

I’m curious. If he was so troubled by Senator Obama and his conversation with the parishioners of a Black church why didn’t he contact Senator Obama with his concerns? I think it’s time for Reverend Jackson to retire from public life so that he can say what he wants without having people scramble for damage control.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Make sure your money is safe!

On July 11, 2008, the governemnt seized control of IndyMAC bank. Customers with single accounts of up to $100,000, joint accounts of up to $200,000, and retirement accounts of up to $250,000 were insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) and would have access to their money. For more information on the FDIC, please check out their web site. Another web site to visit is There is an article about what happens when banks fail and Safe & Sound ratings page where consumers can find out the safety level of their banking institution. Contact your bank representatives for information on ways to keep your money safe.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Are Your Vitamins Doing What They Claim To Do?

Did you know that doctors are not trained in nutrition or helping people achieve optimal health? Most doctors are taught to treat diseases and what medicines to provide for symptoms. It’s not hard to see why pharmaceutical companies are so wealthy.

When you do to the doctor, most will tell you to exercise and change to a healthy diet. They won’t suggest you take supplements. The reason is that the medical literature shows the benefits supplements. However, when you research the medical literature or talk with doctors knowledgeable in nutrition, most will sing the praise of supplements. The reason is that they know we cannot get all the nutrients we need from the food we eat to achieve optimal health and that supplements are key components in preventative medicine.

USANA is leading the way in high quality supplements. Founded by scientist Dr. Myron Wentz, who holds a PH.D in microbiology and immunology and a pioneer in the use of human cell culture technology for the diagnosis of infectious disease, USANA is committed to providing well balanced, high quality health supplements to promote good health. USANA supplements have high dissolving rates and are pharmaceutical grade versus food grade which is all that is required of supplement makers.

There are a lot of products out there to choose from. I’ve tried a lot of them and only one brand has worked for me and that’s USANA. I can now get through a whole exercise routine and I don’t struggle to get out of bed in the morning. My constant fatigue is gone and for the first time since I was a kid I have actual energy. I feel like a normal person. Visit USANA on the web, try their supplements, and see for yourself the USANA difference.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Terrorist Watchlist is almost at 1 million names. Do you have trouble flying?

Homeland Security has a terrorist screening center that created a terrorist screening database so that all federal agencies are working from one list when it comes to internationals and domestic terrorists. You can check out the FBI’s web site for answers to frequently asked questions about this database. The ACLU says the system needs to be fixed because many innocent people have fallen victim to being on the list including Nelson Mandela who was recently removed by President Bush.

Here again is another decent idea put into place with poor execution. The ACLU is right to call for controls of the watchlist. It is fine to protect America from international and homegrown threats but why does it take the ACLU to say that the system isn’t working? Why create a system that places people on a terrorist list but then fail to create an expeditious system for removing them from the list when it is found that their names were placed on the list in error? How effective is a system if an agency is only 100% sure that a small fraction of the names on the list are true threats? Collecting a bunch of names to show Americans that something is being done about terrorism and to give agencies the right to invade the privacy of innocent people is not the way to fight the war on terrorism.

Currently there is no way to know who is on this list. If you repeatedly have trouble being detained when flying, especially in and out of the US, cooperate with the agency but explain your problem and they will give you instructions for addressing the issue with the appropriate agency redress office.

Monday, July 14, 2008

How Far Has America Really Come?

This week’s cover of the New Yorker magazine is controversial. New Yorker editor in chief David Remnick tells ABC News’ Senior National Correspondent Jake Tapper that, "The intent of the cover is to satirize the vicious and racist attacks and rumors and misconceptions about the Obamas that have been floating around in the blogosphere and are reflected in public opinion polls," Remnick says. "What we set out to do was to throw all these images together, which are all over the top and to shine a kind of harsh light on them, to satirize them. That’s part of what we do."

For those who don’t know a satire is defined as “the use of ridicule, irony, sarcasm, etc., to expose folly or vice or to lampoon an individual”. Some are arguing that most people don’t know what satire is and would not view the cover as it is intended. The cover of the magazine, for different reasons, could be viewed as everyone’s worse nightmare. For some Americans, it’s a depiction of all their fears associated with race and ethnicity. For African Americans, it may take folks back to a time when covers like this were the norm.

I don’t have a problem with satire and I support the first amendment. I do question the timing of this week’s New Yorker cover and wonder if there will be a forthcoming satirical cover of John McCain and his wife. Maybe the magazine needed to boost sales and saw this as a way to do that. I mean, most of us are worried about the economy and the energy crisis so this is the type of thing that could slip by us without much notice except nothing that evokes race ever slips by us.

This cover is divisive and keeps us focused on race rather than on the issues. That may not have been the intention but that is what comes across. Jobs are being lost, the economy is slow, gas prices are up, etc, etc. However, race is the one issue that trumps everything. A person’s race or ethnicity should not keep him or her from holding the highest office in America. A person’s race or ethnicity is not an indicator of whether or not he or she is capable of being president. Because if we are honest a lot of the issues we are facing right now were caused by white men and these men are loved and supported by their wives who are white women. So clearly race and ethnicity should not be a factor when choosing the next President of the United States of America. And let us applaud Senator Obama and his wife for being proud patriots and lovers of a country that would treat them like this.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Recession is changing the way we live

In a slow economy we tighten our budgets and open our wallets only when necessary. Even the wealthy are reconsidering their purchases and expenses. We are changing the way we shop, the way we have fun, and the strategies we employ to be successful employees and business people. But is this the right thing to do?

People spending keeps the economy going. The problem is we have overextended ourselves and now our incomes are not able to keep up with our cash outflows every month. As the economy slows, salaries remain static, and business owners are laying off workers, finding the money to give us relief is nowhere to be found. Another problem is our distrust of our government.

Our government is just as bad, if not worse than we are at overspending in a daily basis. And the bills just keep adding up. If our government can’t fix her own debt problems, why should we believe she can find solutions for us? The decisions they’ve made or failed to make have placed us in our current position. While it may be true that some sort of recession comes along every five to ten years, the solutions used to correct the economy in the past will not work this time. New solutions are needed at the government level. At our level, we need to be more proactive politically and financially. Our financial futures are in our own hands. Maybe as we citizens become more fiscally responsible, the government will see us as examples and follow our lead.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Beware of Subprime Credit Cards

Subprime credit cards are the worst credit cards to have in your wallet. These credit cards have high interest rates, costly penalties, and hidden fees that can eat up nearly all of the credit available on the card. A $100 purchase can quickly become over a thousand dollars of debt. Having one of these credit cards can make it harder for you to get mainstream credit cards. The fees and penalties can put a cardholder over the limit, even if he didn't make a purchase, which may further damage his credit.

Subprime credit cards are dominated by smaller, lesser known banks but two large banks, Capital One and HSBC, do offer subprime credit cards. Federal regulators are getting involved. The Federal Reserve Board is even proposing to cut subprime card fees. To learn more about this issue, visit these web sites:

Center For Responsible Lending
National Consumer Law Center
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation(FDIC)
Federal Reserve

In other news...
Gas stations are pulling the old bait and witch so pay attention the next time you fill up the gas tank. Some gas stations are charging customers who pay by credit card more than those who pay cash. The hope is that customers will start paying cash and while inside the convenience store buy other items. Station owners are doing this in response to higher fuel costs. To avoid being duped at the pump look for stations that display both cash and credit card amounts for gas. Also, pay attention to you credit card receipts.

Consumers using online coupons should make sure they will be accepted next time you go shopping. Many stores are not honoring online coupons due to an increase of counterfeit coupons. Here are some tips to avoid getting ripped off and to continue enjoying the benefits coupons provide:

1. Never pay for coupons. Companies provide them for free.
2. Make sure coupon bar codes print out clearly and correctly.
3. Print coupons from company websites to guarantee legitimacy.

For more information on coupon fraud visit

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

On the job weight gain is on the rise

The National Center for Health and Statistics estimates 66 percent of adults are overweight or obese. A recent survey finds that 45 percent of workers have gained weight since starting their current job. Most respondents gained more than ten pounds. Women are gaining more weight than men and financial and government workers are gaining the most weight. Retail and hospitality workers gained the least. Reasons for the weight gain are eating out two or more times a week, going to the vending machine, and not exercising.

There are simple ways you can keep the pounds from creeping up on you. Keeping a journal of what you eat everyday will help you get a picture of how good or bad your eating habits are and make you conscious of any overindulgence. Taking the stairs and parking far away from your building entrance will help give you some exercise. However, incorporating exercise into your daily routine not only keeps the pounds off but also relieves stress which can lead to overeating. If you work from home, remember to exercise and eat balanced meals everyday.

Obesity leads to many diseases and can be avoided. It takes a conscious effort and commitment to good health. It’s not easy but when you think of life with the alternative of poor health and a limited lifestyle it’s not hard to find some motivation.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

FDA still looking for the source of the salmonella outbreak

Inspectors are in Mexico collecting soil, water, and produce samples from the three major tomato-growing producers. Farms in Texas and Florida are also under investigation. The FDA is not sure that tomatoes are the cuase of the outbreak. The agency is also looking at jalapeno peppers and ingredients used to make salsa, like cilantro and Serrano peppers. There are 225 cases of illnesses reported since June 1, so the source of the outbreak is probably not yet contained.

In other news…

Gas – Over the holiday weekend the national average for regular unleaded gas was $4.103. South Carolina has the cheapest gas in the country with $3.90. Drivers of SUVs are now in the triple-digit club of paying over $100 to fill up. As oil rises towards $150 a barrel, it seems a sure bet that the pain at the pump woll be with us for some time.

Websites of Interest:

Divine Caroline – Here is a website for women on the go. It has great travel stories ad info in general for every aspect of a woman’s life.

Vayama – Ever wonder what good etiquette is around the world? This website has an etiquette section that will keep you from committing social sins in other countries.

Prevention – Prevention magazine, in conjunction with the American Podiatric Medical Association, conducts an annual survey of the best and worst walkable cities in the U.S.

Small Town Gems – Here you will find a list of the best small-town destinations by state. Small towns are great places to get a feel for the people and history of a state. Check out the site and see what small towns near you made the list

Monday, July 7, 2008

Patriotism according to our presidential candidates

In Sunday’s Parade magazine Senators Obama and McCain wrote what patriotism means to them. For Obama, patriotism means in America, anything is possible. It also means a “willingness to sacrifice for our common good”. His article was about the pursuit of the American dream and protecting the ideals that go along with this dream. So for him patriotism was more personal Senator McCain placed patriotism in a more historical context. He talked about John Adams and Thomas Jefferson and the fact that they both died on July 4, 1826. For McCain “to love one’s country is to love one’s countrymen”.

Both articles were well written and sincere. My take away from both articles is that there is a freedom that we as Americans have that is not seen in many parts of the world and we need to do our part in honoring that privilege.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy Fourth of July!

Happy Fourth of July! As we honor the people that fought and worked tirelessly for our independence, let us not forget the people, especially our armed forces, that continue to fight to maintain our freedom. Enjoy the holiday with friends and family as you watch fireworks but take a moment to remember those whose family is not home today.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Make learning about money fun for the whole family

Financial literacy is critical especially during times of recession. Increasing your financial literacy will help you to become an active rather than passive investor. Helping your kids become financially savvy will help them to avoid some of the pitfalls we adults have sometimes fallen into. Below are some resources to help you and your family learn more about money and investing:

For adults:
Buffet: The Making of an American Capitalist by Roger Lowenstein: This is a biography of Warren Buffet, the greatest investor of all time. It talks about his life and his investment philosophy.

A Random Walk Down Wall Street by Burton G. Malkiel: This book provides a good foundation on investing.

One Up on Wall Street by Peter Lynch: This book, written by a successful former Fidelity fund manager, talks about making money investing in what you know.

Moneyball by Michael Lewis: This book uses baseball analogies to build understanding about how to invest.

For the family: a computer game that teaches kids about money and finance Website with information and games about the stock market This online trading game offers access to the resources of

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Heart disease does not discriminate but some are more at risk than others

Heart disease kills more Americans across gender, racial and ethnic groups than any other disease. However, women and minorities are affected disproportionately due to lack of research and disparity in health care. The risk increases after age 40. The medical community is concerned and has started several initiatives to treat this growing epidemic. Close the Gap is one such initiative.

Close the Gap is an initiative, sponsored by Boston Scientific, created by physicians and health care professionals from around the country to look for ways to address the disparities in cardiovascular care in underserved populations. Based on demographics and other criteria the pilot program of this initiative was launched in ten cities. As part of their education program, Close the gap has partnered with community institutions to get the word out about cardiovascular disease.

Here are some other resources you can refer to for more information on how to reduce the risk of heart disease:
American Heart Association
Women Heart
Heart Healthy Women

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Don’t miss out on family time together because of a slowing economy

Families can still enjoy time together outside the home by going to restaurants and hotels that offer reduced or free meals to children. This is great for everyone, especially families on a budget and single parents. Many restaurants across the country are offering “kids eat free” nights and specials. National chain restaurants are some best bets. Tuesday is the most popular night for these kid friendly deals but check with restaurants to find out which days they offer their deals.

Some helpful web sites are Kiddie Menu, Coupon Divas , and . Be sure to read the fine print and call ahead to see if there are any restrictions. To find hotels like the Holiday Inn Hotels and Resorts that offer deals like up to four children able to eat free per registered family, use travel guides geared towards families and children’s travel.